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Eth rajunepal Shareholder general meetings Supervisory Board Audit reports Annual reports Call for the shareholder meeting 05 June Gradiva: Explanation of the proposed Item 3 of the agenda Explanation of the proposed Item 5 of the agenda Revised annual report for the year Supervisory Board Audit report for the year Call for the shareholder meeting 21 April Materials Revised annual report for the year Supervisory Board Audit report for the year Call for the shareholder meeting As Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ABC Accelerator and one of the main supporters of its founding, he is still responsible for a balanced business development of the accelerator, where many successful domestic and international start up initiatives have emerged, while the BTC Company has gain international renown of an innovative company despite its traditional commercial real estate and logistics core business activities. Village Road Shopping Plaza. BTC thus acquired an internationally recognised approach to property management and showed its responsible attitude towards the environment. BTC becomes an open company, trendsetter and generator of new innovative business and social approaches
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Meanwhile BTC continues to collaborate with the police as they continue to investigate the constant copper theft. News Article October 04, Abaco customers will continue to receive free voice and data service until further notice. BTC added that it remains focused on restoring services to the Abaco Cays, and the Big Bird Farm community is expected to be online within the next few days. News Article October 10,