How to use binance p2p

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#Binance Guide: How to Buy Crypto on Binance P2P (Web)
A P2P order will be sent to Binance P2P. You'll be asked to confirm your payment. 1. Log in to your Binance app and go to [Trade] - [P2P]. Tap [P2P] at the top and select [Cash]. � 2. Go to the [Sell] tab. You'll see the.
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Once you find a suitable trading offer, keep some important things in mind. The partnership aims to provide a seamless and efficient payment solution for customers purchasing halal meat products using Islamic Coin. To sell crypto via P2P trading, you need to transfer your funds to Funding Wallet first. Islamic Coin, as a Sharia-compliant cryptocurrency, is designed to adhere to the principles of Islamic finance, including the prohibition of interest and uncertainty gharar. Overall, the partnership between Islamic Coin and Go Meat represents a significant development in the intersection of Islamic finance and digital currency.