Bitcoinica mtgox bitcoins

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Jed McCaleb: Might own up to 12% of MtGox equity. Bitcoinica: Is requesting a $29 million payout. Roger Ver: Claims lost BTC personally. Defunct New Zealand-based crypto exchange Bitcoinica and MtGox Investment Funds (MGIF) � which together represent about a fifth of all Mt. Gox. MtGox Investment Funds (MGIF) and Bitcoinica, a New Zealand-based crypto exchange, collectively represent about 20 percent of all Mt. Gox claims.
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Crypto Written by:. A legal analysis by a Japanese law firm suggested it could take many years for holdouts to see their money returned. Hillcrest Energy transitioning from dirty fossil fuels to clean technology 08 Feb. News Browse. Creditors who do choose to wait may have to hold tight for a while � the litigation surrounding the bankruptcy may take another five to nine years, documents reviewed by CoinDesk indicate.